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jayfresh feedback on feedback

20140415083920 jayfresh  

@cdent has replied to my rambling thoughts on Tank here, so I thought I'd come back to him here. Quite interesting this whole distributed commenting (made really obvious by the presence of the "backlinks" section on the right - nice. Although I had to edit the link 3 times to get it right!)...

  1. "use global tags in autocomplete"

Aha, yes I get that now. I would suggest moving the checkbox under the tags input, so it looks associated with it and not with the textarea. For the meaning, maybe go for a binary thing, with one selected by default: "autocomplete tags: [x] just from this tank [ ] from all tanks"

  1. tiddlers

You like it - fair enough. Tiddlers outside of a TiddlyWiki maybe just feels weird to me, but I'm getting used to the idea. And your favicon has a tiddler in it, so that's cool.

  1. What tank is for

You said I'm probably looking for too much. Permission to be slightly awkward in the interests of furthering debate - I think that after all these years of working with wikis as tools, both you and the people that associate with you professionally (including me) have moved beyond wikis for wikis' sake and must be engaged in the pursuit of a better way to organise knowledge. It is not enough to create another wiki.

  1. comps loading content

I may have misinterpreted what I was seeing, but it seemed like the tw5 comp loaded itself without any content and then used the API to load content in from the tank it is "comp'ed" with. If that is the case, then the point of comp'ing is lost on me, because given that it is using the API to load content, it could get that content from any tank, or for that matter, anywhere with an API. Does that make sense?