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docs WikiLinks

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Links between tiddlers in a single tank and between tiddlers in different tanks are possible. There are three styles of links:

  • Wiki links that use CamelCase (links to a tiddler named CamelCase)
  • Free links that use a [[bracket syntax]] (links to a tiddler named bracket syntax)
  • Labelled links: [[label|target]] (links to a tiddler named target with a link title of label)

Each of these links styles can have @<name of tank> appended to link to the named tiddler in the named tank. For example CowHouse@foobar would link to the tiddler named CowHouse in the tank named foobar.

Note: CamelCase style linking does not play well with the default style of linking used in Markdown (e.g. [title](target)). It is best to not put CamelCase words within the title text, the results can be a bit odd.