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cdent-rhat 20141031

20141031125454 cdent  

Testing RHOS puddles on a VM running a local (i.e. at home) machine running latest devstack involves some jiggery pokery.

Setting up devstack

If your machine running devstack is attached to the redhat VPN, you can allow the guests to talk over the vpn with:

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o redhat0 -j SNAT \
   --to-source {ip of the redhat0 interface}

Acquiring an image

A rhel 7 image is required. This can be acquired from the collection of images available on OS1, using glance to download:

export OS_USERNAME=chdent
export OS_TENANT_NAME=xxxxx
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export OS_PASSWORD=xxxx
glance image-list
# select a reasonable image's id
glance image-download <the id> --file rhel7.qcow

On the devstack machine, with credentials for the devstack in use (instead of the above remote credentials):

glance image-create --name rhel7 --disk-format qcow2 \
    --container-format bare --file rhel7.qcow

Boot and Prepare the Image

# add keypair
nova keypair-add --pub-key .ssh/ default
# boot
nova boot --image <image name or id> --flavor m1.large \
    --key-name default r1
# when ready
ssh cloud-user@<the ip of the host>

Make rhos happen

My rhel had no repos, so I could not initially use yum. To get around this where the instructions say to install rhos-release with yum, I used rpm:

# add the bootstrap repo
sudo rpm -i
# select the specific repo you want
sudo rhos-release 5
# make sure everybody is up todate
sudo yum update -y

Make OpenStack go

sudo setenforce 0 # sigh
sudo yum install openstack-packstack
packstack --allinone

(this is still running so no immediate data)