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> caused by gram negative - Bordetella pertussis incubation 10-14 days children in UK vaccinated - 2,3,4/12 and 4 yrs 1000 cases in UK /yr ''Features'' 2-3 days coryza then coughing bout - worse at night and after feeds, may end with vomiting and central cyanosis inspiratory whoop (uncommon in infants - forced inspiration against closed glottis) subconjunctival haemorrhage and anoxia leading to syncope and seizures - from persistent coughing Sx may last 10-14 WEEKS - more severe in infants lymphocytosis ''Diagnosis'' nasal swab - takes days to weeks PCR and serology are starting to be used ''Mx'' oral erythro to eradicate organism and reduce spread, doesn't change course of illness ''Complications'' Pneumonia bronchiectasis seizures
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