A single recipe on the system.
- An HTML presentation of the description of the recipe, a list of the bags and filters which make up the recipe, and a link to its list of tiddlers.
- JSON representation of the recipe. See JSON recipe.
Get the recipe. The current user must pass the read constraint.
Create or edit a named recipe. To create a new recipe, the current user must pass the recipe_create_policy config setting. To edit an existing recipe, the current user must pass the manage constraint.
Remove the recipe. Tiddlers are not affected. To delete a recipe the current user must pass the manage constraint. When deleting a recipe, what "delete" means is dependent on the current store. In the text store, for example, it means the recipe is gone, forever. In other stores it may mean that the recipe is flagged as deleted, and could be administratively undeleted in the future.