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remuse data→information→knowledge

20140328231130 remuse  
//Began 2011, revised January 2012 and again March 2014://

matter … becoming information @@color:purple; + experienced by living creatures@@ //[added 2014]//
data …in formation …@@color:grey;to@@ gnosis
[//subjective// gnosis which is "realer than myth" to the sub[[ject|iacere]]]
:sensory data
:what we remember
:felt sense or preconceptual feeling
:information contrasted with knowledge and experience
:content-bearing object
:auto-associative memory

My fragments and phrases above were never elucidated.

From [[Chris Dent]]'s writing "[[Knowledge Access|]]"; emphasis added by [[remuse]]:
(I think) knowledge access structures are far more important than knowledge representation formalisms …

A model I like [of human comprehension and communication] goes like this: four [aspects] are arranged as a pyramid with //data// on the bottom, //information// next, then //knowledge//, then //wisdom//.

Data is essentially perceived phenomena.

Information is data which has been placed in context or identified as having pattern. Factual statements about a context.

Knowledge is the discovery of new perspective through the synthesis of information. It is considered by some to be contained in individuals only, but the notion of institutional memory or knowledge throws this into doubt. It is the multi-faceted lens through which we perceive the world.

Wisdom is an ethical perspective, a distillation of knowledge that has value for a community.

Learning can be thought of as a process of gathering data, using learned perspectives to make it information, synthesizing the information into knowledge.