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!! What is the Open Robotics School?
It is an initiative to learn theory and technology of [[Robotics|]] based on existing resources as [[MOOCs|]] (Udacity, Coursera, etc), [[OCW|]] and other courses available in the web.
In addition to these resources, the Open Robotics School creates extra content (exercises, projects, seminars, specific courses) to extend the knowledge get using the external resources.

The [[Open Robotics School|]] is a kind of meta-school over existing course websites, initiatives, and on-line and free resources.

!! What can be found in this wiki?
Here you can find all information about the [[Courses|List of courses]] and [[Resources]] of the school.

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!! How to collaborate?
You could help us providing feedback (e.g. opinion, problems) about the ORS and sending information of courses and resources that you find in Internet and could be interesting for the initiative. Please, use our [[G+ community|]] or this [[contact form|]].

However, if you are interested in be part of this initiative or collaborate contact us using [[the form|]].