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cdent-rhat RunningToDo

20150715154728 cdent  

I need to keep a running todo of what I'm working on, to a) not forget things b) avoid being committed to too many things.

Once this list gets over length N (TBD) then something can't be added unless something else comes off. This list is current >N and that's not great.

See also LibertySummitToDo.

  • ceilometer dispatcher to gnocchi need to fully test and confirm path
  • ceilometer testing with tempest variant based on gnocchi for storage
  • explore gnocchi/ceilo coexist e.g. ceilo v2 API disable sample-related endpoints, or something else
  • orchestrate virtual mid-cycle with prad etherpad
  • explore ways of breaking and confirming gnocchi, bug fixing in process
    • this includes "what will gnocchi need doing in order to make the jump from tech preview in rhos7 to something supportable in rhos8?" and "need to identify what we think is the minimum needed to declare victory on it for rhos8"
  • catch up on spec reviews (that is, focus on review of specs over reviews on code)
  • add changes-since language to filtering review
    • deal with responses, see what next step is
    • next step is start a mailing list thread, that action is on me
    • mail thread going nowhere, bump or ?
  • spin up ha techniques for ceilometer google-doc about: trying to get some clarity from yurii if this is about theory of ceilo ha or implementation in RH. If the latter, sev. Seems he's after the latter and will get back to me if inquiries elsewhere do not bear fruit.
  • hat backport event db
  • prep 2016 compass
  • trello-ize relevant things for oversight
  • figure out/audit pipeline code as part of driving agent split spec
  • write a spec for removing transformation pipeline from pollsters (similar to removing pipeline from api which has been resurrected)
    • attend to followups
    • make it so
  • create StandalonePollster experiment
  • functional testing implementation for safety of forthcoming splits
    • fake polling API server against which to test a live polling agent
  • get spec approved and then implement collection agent split spec
  • make understanding of difference between event and sample concrete by actually knowing the code
  • finish MissingGabbiCoverage
  • devstack plugin for ceilo
  • grenade plugin for ceilo
  • track libvirt notification from nova topic
  • there needs to be "a clear message on the predicted benefits that will flow from the ceilo split-out" for use in justifying it happening and other things like travel etc on the hat side. CeiloSplitBenefits.
  • prepare for virtual midcycle over When to be determined.
