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cdent-rhat HeatBackporter

20150413160912 cdent  

I'm experimenting with using Heat to bootstrap a fedora21 image that's ready for doing backporting. I started from this (slightly modified) history of Eoghan backporting and created:

  • a heat template: f21-rebaser (not really the right name) which makes a fedora 21 instance, installs git, git-review, vim and a few other bits and piece and copies in
  • a script to establish a configured directory in which to do cherry picks, run on the created node
  •, to get things rolling from, setting up SNAT, adding the right nova keypair, getting a glance image in place

This isn't fully working yet because I'm hung up on some permissions issues, but getting closer. I'll update the linked scripts as they become more correct and if they become properly correct, I'll put them in repo somewhere.

This may be overkill but it does provide some observability and dogfooding.