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cdent-rhat GnocchiPersistentQueries

20150421094035 cdent  

From me, in a review:

For reference one correct way to do complex queries, which may be of some use in the long term but probably not desired right here right now, is to POST a query to be persisted on the server and then GET the uri returned in the location header. So you create a query and then use it again as many times as you like. For a metrics database that might be queried in various ways day in day out this would be a handy feature. If you wanted, it could be templatized (using uri-templates perhaps), with query string paramters setting the contents of the generated query.

The basic idea (names of routes and other entities subject to improvement) is to:

  • POST to /queries with a JSON body containing the query to be saved.
  • The Location header of the response (if request is successful) contains a URI.
  • GET that URI at /queries/uuid to actually do the desired search.
  • Consider ways to do template handling.

The benefits of this include:

  • More HTTP-hygenic than the existing solution (SEARCH method or method=search).
  • Design and forget complex queries rather than having to recreate them.
  • Shareable queries.
  • Long term allow cache-ability of query results (complex but interesting problem)