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cdent-rhat 20141103

20141106172938 cdent  

A potentially^wnot working configuration with neutron. Took me all day to figure out, largely because it's the bits under the covers (not in the config) that are confusing.


This only works in the sense that yes, you can create vms, but it is not possible to get floating ips on the actual public network. Many different efforts were tried but in the end, nope.

Some things to remember:

  • with neutron the admin account creates guests on the public network which doesn't have dhcp, so those hosts don't get set up
  • the demo accounts creates guests on the private network so they then need to have a floating ip associated to be able to ssh in
  • that association is sometimes flaky
  • devstack like to blow existing stuff away

Some things to learn

  • network namespaces
  • re-learning routing concepts
  • lots of stuff