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cdent-rhat 20141001

20141001205649 cdent  

Doing RDO test day, I said in IRC (edited for formatting):

[5:30pm] cdent: I have some status report and stuckness with juno packstack on fedora21 I was getting this and followed the hacking instructions here (commenting out manage_rdo) to get past it.

Now the puppet apply is being test to see if is finished and it is looping. An strace of the process shows that it is seeing: Please login as the user "fedora" when trying to ssh. This is because I'm in a "cloud" image of fedora21 and root's authorized_keys accept a connection and then kick out with that message. Changing the authorized_keys to match what the fedora user is using makes it move on.

However it then got stuck doing some scp, so I stopped for a while.

When I went back I tried (as suggested on IRC) to do unset SSH_AUTH_SOCK but that resulted in permissions errors when trying to ssh.

So then I ran packstack as root and that went through further but resulted in:

ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run:
Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/rpm -e firewalld-0.3.11-3.fc21.noarch' returned 1: error: Failed dependencies:

This hapens because firewalld is used by firewall-config-standard. If I remove both by hand and restart:

Error: Could not start Service[rabbitmq-server]: Execution of '/sbin/service rabbitmq-server start' returned 1: Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  rabbitmq-server.service

Trying to start rabbitmq by hand timesout, the logs show:

=WARNING REPORT==== 1-Oct-2014::17:34:55 ===
The on_load function for module sd_notify returned {error,
                                                     "Failed to load NIF library: '/usr/lib64/erlang/lib/sd_notify-0.1/priv/ undefined symbol: sd_notify'"}}

=INFO REPORT==== 1-Oct-2014::17:34:55 ===
Server startup complete; 0 plugins started.

but systemctl never returns.

If I sudo systemctl --no-block start rabbitmq-server.service it seems okay and sudo rabbitmqctl report appears reasonable.

Trying packstack again...nope packstack wants to jigger the rabbit service so kills it and blocking and timeouts happen again.

A bug has been reported.

Fedora 20 works fine, after addressing both workarounds.