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cdent-rhat 20140715

20140722123129 cdent  

How to test consuming irconic notifications from ceilometer:

  • get the patchsets from gerrit into /opt/stack/{ceilometer,ironic}: 105486 and 72583
  • ./ && ./
  • follow instructions at developer quick start to set up a new node
    • ipmitool ... session info all is required to get the mac addr of the remote baremetal (hostname is a private secret)
  • make sure in ironic.conductor.manager we don't filter on 'associated: True
  • change ironic.conf:
notification_driver = messaging
control_exchange = ironic
send_sensor_data = true
send_sensor_data_interval = 60
  • fix code according to 07-1{4,5} comments on review. Some classes will not instantiate and the parsing needs to be cooked a bit.
  • confirm rpc_backend = rabbit in ceilometer.conf
  • restart ceilo notification agent and ironic conductor
  • pray and wait

After much messing about I was finally able to get this (amongst other things):

plank:ceilometer(bp-ironic-notifications) $ ceilometer statistics -m -q resource_id='d6e4b911-76de-4eb7-8b72-f359e9f68102-fan_1a_tach_(0x40)'
| Period | Period Start               | Period End                 | Max    | Min    | Avg    | Sum     | Count | Duration | Duration Start             | Duration End               |
| 0      | 2014-07-15T16:13:53.848000 | 2014-07-15T16:13:53.848000 | 4800.0 | 4800.0 | 4800.0 | 19200.0 | 4     | 1047.797 | 2014-07-15T16:13:53.848000 | 2014-07-15T16:31:21.645000 |


  • figure out where user_id and project_id will be in the data structure (when they are there at all) and use accordingly when creating the sample (pending input from ironic)