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cdent-rhat 20140606

20140606171759 cdent  

Mandatory information security compliance training!

thankfully only about 10 minutes

Continued work on ceilometer in grenade spec.

That's the first phase of a two phase effort to get upgrades of ceilometer tested.

Phase two involves using what are called "javelin tests" to confirm the survivability of resources across the upgrade procedure. Apparently this never worked well, and a new process called javelin2 is being considered.

In javelin v1 there were three steps: setup, verify and teardown. Now only setup is run which means (as far as I can tell) that no assertions are made about the resources after the upgrade.

v2 is being created to specifically address the need for post-upgrade assertions that are robust.

There was some discussion in IRC about handling optional requirements. At the moment they are kept in test-requirements.txt which makes no sense. taskflow uses a third file. It seems like extras_require could be useful here, paired with setup.cfg + pbr but from what I can tell pbr isn't extras_require aware.

Watching a hangout about TripleO on RDO.