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cdent-rhat 20140602

20140602173039 cdent  

More pieces of my laptop today: mouse and keyboard. Screen and laptop itself still to come.

Looking over the oslo messaging server docs I remain confused as to why the message queues are set up with server's that provide endpoints that run methods. It seems raw messages that multiple agents can "see" would be more flexible.

This is the code (as of early June 2014) that allows Ceilometer to transform notifications from nova (the compute engine) into samples that are stored. There's something fundamentally wrong here, I think. This is a great deal of class oriented code for what appears to be a static (or nearly static) transform. This should be declarative. Adding another meter should not be a matter of adding code, it should be a matter of adding configuration.

I've figured out how to get testr to run just one test but it all still seems pretty messy.