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cdent-rhat 20140521

20140521222921 cdent  

First task today: Try to get email organized in a way that is not utter pain. Current situation is webmail.

Managed to get alpine configured properly for IMAP and SMTP against internal Red Hat stuff (when on the VPN). Now can type mail in vim. Ahhhhhhhh. But calendaring will be a pita.

Poked around at reviewing some sql-alchemy related things and the new mission statement.

Broke my credentials for internal infrastructure so instead tried to get Grenade running on my home VMs. Data forthcoming.

  • First pass, using the vagrant_devstack VM resulted in a mess because there were already installed packages with conflicting passwords.
  • Second pass, using a Fedora VM created a while back, failed because of conflicts between vim-minimal and vim-common.
  • Third pass, going back to an early snapshot and then doing yum update, is in progress. Fails: rabbitmq-server will not start.
  • Fourth: removing rabbitmq to let grenade install it. This one has passed the hump and is doing real stuff with real instances and such! \o/
    • Oh ffs, fails on missing tox. Surely it should install that for you?
  • Fifth: Install tox, unstack, try again. yum of tox too old.
  • Sixth: Install tox with pip. Little further, tempest tests are running but the load is up over 20 and instances are in ERROR status. Probably need to try again with a larger VM.
  • Seventh: 8GB 4proc VM. loop devices left behind state. fails to clean with error in use of losetup.
  • Eighth: Destory all loop devices with losetup-D then again and we'll see. removes /var/lib/mysql, which is bad because it wasn't fully removed. is Ubuntu oriented.
  • Ninth: smoke tests ran, but 37 failures. Will diagnose tomorrow.