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afya Parkinsons DD

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20160425222502 Ben  
Arteriosclerotic PseudoP
multiple small infarcts of basal ganglia
shuffling gait, freqyent falls, uncontrolled HT, no tremor

Essential tremor
intentional tremor esp arms and head, relieved by alcohol and BB

Akathesia - restlessness - often drug induced
Pararohrenia - late onset schizophrenia with paranoia

Drug induced P
Chlorpromazine (neuroleptic), Metoclopramide, haloperidol, olanzapine, cinnarizine, prochlorperazine

Lewy body dementia
Visual hallucinations, memory problems, Parkinsonism
poor cognition, visual hallucinations (also auditory but less so), changing alertness and cognition
non-severe PD usually with little tremor which occurs within the same year as the dementia starts