<<forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.contains(context.inTiddler.title)' sortBy tiddler.title ascending write '"*[["+tiddler.title+"]]\n"'>> <<tiddler AutoRefresh with: force>> SBGM 2-4 or 4-6 times per day - very costly may motivate or depress Aim for HbA1C 48 (6.5%) or 53 (7%) - agree individual target with pt - check 2-6/12thly till stable then 6/12thly Annual BP, eyes, lipids, ACR, eGFR, creatinine, feet, peripheral neuropathy (include erectle dysfunction, postural hypotension GI bladder), 6/12 BP if also HT lipids - total Chol <4, LDL <2 BP 130/80 ACR - if abN repeat twice and take two of 3 results - start ACE inhibitor at max dose