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afya Lichen

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20160425222434 Ben  
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same risk of cancer and hypothyroid
same treatment (topical steroids)

''Lichen Sclerosis''
itchy atrophic (cigarette paper wrinkling) well circumscribed patches (first red then white), if becomes fissured then painful - keratinised skin only (NOT mm)
occurs pre-menarchal which may resolve of last life long, or menopausal
4% risk of squamous carcinoma (vulval)
mostly anogenital (but not mucosal unless prolapse and cornification has occured) - 11% get extra-genital lesions too
Mx - topical steroid - as frequent as needed to stop flaring
DD - Morphoea LP (also vitiligo pemphigoid)
Lichen Planus''
Inflammatory dermatosis esp of mucosae
polygonal purple patches with lacy white wickhams striae on surface (as resolves turns pale brown which takes time to resolve)
very itchy
self limiting (by 18/12) but may relapse
Mx - topical steroid for itch, if severe may need oral steroid, ciclosporin or acitretin

''Vulval/vaginal atrophy due to low oestrogen''
use vagifem tabs for vaginal or Ovestin cream for vulva - NOT for breast cancer survivors unless risk balances gain

''Zoons ''
dysfunctional foreskin ? secondary to LS/LP
few Sx but reddened patches of inflammation