Exfoliative Dermatitis (red inflammed) involving >90% skin surface inflammed, scaly, oedematous skin with systemic malaise/fever and LN insidious onset unless drug induced men>women, 40-60yrs causes previous skin disease (60%) - psoriasis or eczema lymphoma - esp cutaneous Tcell - Mycosis Fungoides (mushroom like fungal disease but actually a cutaneous Tcell lymphoma) and Sezary syndrome (?late stage Mycosis fungoides with lymphadenopathy) (leukaemia) drugs (sulphonamides, gold, sulphonylureas, penicillin, allopurinal, captopril, cimetidine, carbamazepine) idiopathic rarer - pityriasis rubra pilaris, seborrhoaic and contact dermatitis, pemphigus foliaceous, Norwegian scabies and Netherton syndrome (neonates) Mx admit treat cause if known emollients / wet wraps to maintain hydration topical steroids for inflammation beware - fluid loss (cardiac failure, electrolyte imbalance, hypoalbuminaemia), infection, hypothermia 20-40% mortality Erythrodermic psoriasis may result from progression of chronic disease to an exfoliative phase with plaques covering most of the body. Associated with mild systemic upset more serious form is an acute deterioration. This may be triggered by a variety of factors such as withdrawal of systemic steroids. Patients need to be admitted to hospital for management