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afya ECG

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20160425222427 Ben  
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write '"*[["+tiddler.title+"]]\n"'>>
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rate .. RtoR - 1 large square = 300 / min (2 - 150, 3 - 100, 4 - 75 ...)
PR - 0.12-0.2 secs (3-5 sm sq)
QRS <0.12 (3smsq)

leads - I II III aVr aVl aVf (east, SE, SW, NW, NE, S) ... 
V1-2 (R vent) V3-4 (septum and ant left vent) V5-6 (ant+lat left vent)

Axis - look at I II III
deflection is up as wave goes towards lead - so aVr is mostly down
R axis - III biggest positive, I - negative - R vent hypertrophy
L axis - III and II negative - L vent hypertrophy ? conduction defect

Heart block
1st degree - prolonged PR - CAD, digitalis, electrolyte
2nd degree 
Mobitz 2 - constant PR
Wenkebach - increasing PR then drop beat
2to1 or 3to1 - set conducting
3rd degree - no relationship P and QRS
BBB - widened QRS - makes interpretation difficult (R) or impossible (L)
RBBB - RSR in V1, LBBB - M in V6 

Sinus - tachy, brady
Supraventricular - normal narrow QRS - Atrial (abN P), Junctional (no P)
Ventricular - wide QRS and abN T  (beware SVT with BBB QRS is wide from BBB)
May be brady, tachy, or extrasystole (occasional)
if disorganised - fibrillation
Remember WPW - delta wave with re-entry tachycardia

abN P
tall - R atrial hypertrophy - Tricuspid stenosis - pulmonary HT
broad - L atrial hypertrophy - Mitral stenosis

broad - BBB, ventricular 
tall - hypertrophy means big R - R - V1, L - V6

abN ST
elevation - infarction or pericarditis (more widespread)
depression - ischaemia (if sloping think digoxin)

abN T ...

Note PE - R dominant so R axis, R atrial and vent hypertrophy (tall P and big R in V1), RBBB, S1Q3T3 (S in I - Raxis, Q in III and inverted T in V3)