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afya CKDeGFR

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20160425222446 Ben  
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write '"*[["+tiddler.title+"]]\n"'>>
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eGFR not just Creatinine used as more predictive (differences in muscle)
commonly used formula is ''Modification of Diet in Renal Disease'' (MDRD) equation - //serum creatinine, age, gender, ethnicity//

''Other impt factors'' - pregnancy, muscle mass (e.g. amputees, body-builders), eating red meat 12 hours prior to the sample being taken

CKD classified according to GFR:

|CKD stage|GFR (ml/min)|comment|
|1|> 90|with other abN (U/E or proteinuria (if all are normal, there is no CKD))|
|2|60-90|with other abN (U/E or proteinuria (if all are normal, there is no CKD))|
|3a|45-59|moderate reduction|
|3b|30-44|moderate reduction|
|4|15-29|severe reduction|
|5|<15|established failure - may need dialysis or transplant|