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afya Autism

Move this tiddler

Drop binaries into your tank here.

20160425222532 Ben  
<<forEachTiddler  where 'tiddler.tags.contains(context.inTiddler.title)'
write '"*[["+tiddler.title+"]]\n"'>>
<<tiddler AutoRefresh with: force>>

75%  are male
usually develops before 3 years 

All 3 of these features must be present for a diagnosis to be made
global impairment of language and communication
impairment of social relationships
ritualistic and compulsive phenomena

''Other features''
most children have a decreased IQ - the 'idiot savant' is rare

''Associated conditions''
Fragile X
Rett's syndrome

1% population, boys>girls
6% of siblings (60% twins)

Triad - impairment of ...
social interaction, social communication, imagination - present in >1 setting

may include ...
unusual response to sensory stimuli
distressed response to new / crowded places
rigid eating patturn
sleep difficulty

speech - nil, echolalia, repetitive phrases
lack of non-verbal interaction
passive aloof aggressive in relation to others
rigid/limited repetitive play
stereotypic play - flicking fingers repetitively, fascination with eg train timetable
may switch off if overwhelmed

no single feature is diagnostic - it is overall patturn and quality 

Epilepsy (complex partial or tonic-clonic) (with normal intelligence - 7%) (absence is rare)
ADHD / Dyspraxia
Depression (esp teenagers when realise not fitting in)

complex and individual - beware the private sector eg diet - no evidense it makes a difference
Educational psychology / autism support / social services (benefit support)