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afya Alzheimers

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20160425222528 Ben  
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write '"*[["+tiddler.title+"]]\n"'>>
<<tiddler AutoRefresh with: force>>

progressive degenerative disease of  brain 
accounts for majority of dementia in UK

most cases are sporadic
5% inherited as autosomal dominant trait - / related to mutations in amyloid precursor protein (chromosome 21), presenilin 1 (chromosome 14) and presenilin 2 (chromosome 1) 
apoprotein E allele E4 - encodes a cholesterol transport protein

''Pathological changes''
macroscopic = widespread cerebral atrophy, particularly involving the cortex and hippocampus
microscopic = intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles, neuronal plaques, deficiency of neurons
biochemical = deposition of type A-Beta-amyloid protein in cortex, deficit of Ach from damage to an ascending forebrain projection

''Neurofibrillary tangles''
paired helical filaments are partly made from a protein called tau
in AD tau proteins are excessively phosphorylated

NICE - acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil, galantamine and rivastigmine) for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease
memantine (a NMDA receptor antagonist) is reserved for patients with moderate - severe Alzheimer's