Some notes for what ought to be an essay about using transclusion as the organizing lynchpin in a collaborative team and workspace.
This is based on the experience of the PurpleUniverse when working on the KnowledgeBase.
- PurpleNumbers on wiki, email archive, irc logs all fed by the same sequence.
- Transclusion in wiki and irc from wiki, email archives and irc logs1
- Social pressure: If you can't transclude it, it didn't happen or won't happen.
- Hypertextual granularity drove tasks and document granularity drove use and reuse.
- With experience, writing for the sake of transclusion become habitual.
- Commits as members of purple sequence.
- Task lists as members of purple sequence.
- Deaf team member concept.
Experimented with post composition transclusion filters for email (transclude into a message being composed). ↩