Search for bag:"ors" tag:"%course"
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Dynamics and Control
- Engineering Systems in Motion 1: Dynamics of Particles and Bodies in 2D Motion
- SSE1 - Introduction to Robotics
- Engineering Systems in Motion 2: Dynamics of 3D Motion
- ME401: Dynamic Systems & Controls
- Underactuated Robotics
- Cognitive Robotics
- C++ Programming
- Introduction to C Memory Management and C++ Object-Oriented Programming
- Mobile Robotics
- Machine Learning
- QUT2 - Robotic Vision
- Control of Mobile Robots
- Artificial Intelligence Planning
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Electronic Interfaces: Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds
- Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots
- QUT1 - Introduction to Robotics
- Artificial Intelligence for Robotics (or How to Programming a Robotic Car)
- MIT1 - Introduction to Robotics
- Implementation of Developmental Learning
- ROS Industrial Basic Developers