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> ''Complications of Tonsilliits'' Otitis Media Quinsy (peritonsillar abscess) rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis ''NICE Indications for tonsillectomy'' - controversial must meet ALL criteria .... sore throat is definately tonsillitis (not URTI) 5+ episodes in a year Sx for >1yr episodes are disabling and prevent normal function ''Other indications'' recurrent febrile convulsions secondary to tonsillitis obstructive sleep apnoea, stridor or dysphagia secondary to enlarged tonsils Qunisy unresponsive to standard Rx ''Complications of tonsillectomy'' Primary (<24hrs) haemorrhage in 2-3% (inadequate haemostasis) pain Secondary (>24hrs - 10/7) haemorrhage (infection) pain
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Sore, throat