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> reaction to erythrogenic toxins produced by Group A haemolytic streptococci (usually Streptococcus pyogenes). more common in 2-6y (peak at 4yr) Incubation 2-4 days features - fever, malaise, tonsillitis, 'strawberry' tongue, rash rash - fine punctate erythema ('pinhead') starts torso and spares face (may have flushed cheeks with perioral pallor) rash may have rough 'sandpaper' texture. Desquamination occurs late - esp fingers and toes ''Diagnosis'' - throat swab taken but don't wait Rx for results ''Management'' oral penicillin V or azithromycin can return to school 24 hours after commencing antibiotics notifiable disease ''Complications'' otitis media (commonest) rheumatic fever (20/7 post infection) acute glomerulonephritis (10/7 post infection)
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