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> caused by mite - sarcoptes scabei spread by prolonged skin contact esp in young adults and kids mite burrows into stratum corneum and lays eggs - intense pruritis is delayed type 4 hypersensitivity reaction 30 days later ''features'' intense pruritis burrows - sides of fingers, interdigital webs, flexor aspect wrist infants - face and scalp secondary features from scratching and infection ''Mx'' Permethrin 5% 1st line Malathion 0.5% 2nd line pruritis persists for 4-6/52 post Rx advise .. Rx all close contacts even if aSx at same time and avoid close contact with others wash iron or tumble dry bedding at time of Rx apply lotion to all areas of body esp fingers and webs, wash off after 12(permeth) or 24 (malath) hrs (reapply if wash in that time) and repeat after 7/7 ''Norwegian (crusted) Scabies'' immunocompromised esp HIV Ivermectin and isolate
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