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> Biologics Infliximab, Etanercept, Adalimumab, Ustekinumab beware - TB, heart failure, demyelination (MS) so pre-check - CXR plus quantiferon gold, HIV, HepB/C Mole check, abdo - liver / LNs, FBC, U/E, LFT, ANA Hx cancer and include smear Methotrexate - P3NP - looking for liver fibrosis - check 6/12thly and if inc by 2-3x then biopsy Azathioprine - TPMT - genetic test pre start to see if you can cope with azathioprine (enzyme in liver) Shampoo Cocois - reduce scale Etrivex - dermovate wash - helps with itch without thinning skin Acitretin dry mouth, eyes, face extra-osseous bone formation check bloods - U/E, FBC, LFT, chol
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