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> Prolactin is secreted by anterior pituitary controlled by a wide variety of physiological factors. Dopamine acts as the primary prolactin releasing inhibitory factor - dopamine agonists (bromocriptine) may be used to control galactorrhoea. Must differentiate galactorrhoea (due to the actions of prolactin on breast tissue) from gynaecomastia ''Features of excess prolactin'' men: impotence, loss of libido, galactorrhoea women: amenorrhoea, galactorrhoea ''Causes of raised prolactin'' PPPPPP prolactinoma pregnancy - oestrogens physiological: stress, exercise, sleep polycystic ovarian syndrome primary hypothyroidism (due to thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TRH) stimulating prolactin release) acromegaly: 1/3 of patients ''Drug causes of raised prolactin'' - more PPPPPP metoclopramide, domperidone phenothiazines haloperidol very rare: SSRIs, opioids
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