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> ''Features of severe aortic stenosis'' narrow pulse pressure slow rising pulse delayed ESM soft/absent S2 S4 thrill duration of murmur left ventricular hypertrophy or failure ''Causes of aortic stenosis'' degenerative calcification (most common cause in older patients > 65 years) bicuspid aortic valve (most common cause in younger patients < 65 years) William's syndrome (supravalvular aortic stenosis) post-rheumatic disease subvalvular: HOCM ''Management'' if asymptomatic then observe the patient is general rule if symptomatic then valve replacement if asymptomatic but valvular gradient > 50 mmHg and with features such as left ventricular systolic dysfunction then consider surgery balloon valvuloplasty is limited to patients with critical aortic stenosis who are not fit for valve replacement
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