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Acute Diarrhoea
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Bacterial Ecoli and campylobacter - most common in UK salmonella and C diff - rarer but impt giardia and shigella - more common in tropics Viral Norovirus and rotavirus - as common as bacterial Usually self limiting If fever, dehydration - (tachycardia hypotension oliguria) for >5/7 - admit Avoid Abs unless systemically ill which often occurs with salmonella acute onset, loose / watery stool, frequency / urgency, Bristol stool chart 6or7 risk factors overseas travel consumption poultry, contact with puppies (campylobacter) diabetes use of gastric acid suppressors campylobacter - bleeding and pain (clarithromycin if needed) salmonella - long systemic prodrome shigella - may get haemolytic uraemic syndrome , usually dysentery e coli - maybe dysentery, different strains c diff - prior abs use giardia - contaminated drinking water, upper GI Sx, slow onset, bulky floaty stool cryptosporidium - dairy farms rotavirus - associated with severe dehydration and under 5's
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