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OK so here I want to try inclusion from a different tank so I have included the content of a tiddler called index in a private tank called linux. I was hoping that this would work for me but not for users who have not authenticated but it does not seem to work that way. {{index}}@Linux or lets try a tiddler called ALSA in Linux {{ALSA}}@Linux or the binary graphic for the ALSA logo stored in the Linux tank {{ALSA.png}}@Linux ![ALSA logo](ALSA.png)@Linux It does not render as intended even though I am authenticated. Is this because it is private? ------------ ----- Ok so lets try inclusion of index and "SandPit.png" that exist in a protected tank called "ProtectedImages" {{index}}@ProtectedImages ![alt text xxxxxx](SandPit.png)@ProtectedImages
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